========================================================================= INFO-ATARI16 Digest Sat, 3 Mar 90 Volume 90 : Issue 280 Today's Topics: C compilers GEMINI... My evil twin.. HELP? How do I set up MINIX on my Supra drive? MULTISYNCS Problems with Files using HD Backups and GEMINI Saving the menu bar STE DMA sound (documentation posted) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 3 Mar 90 20:16:18 GMT From: cs.utexas.edu!usc!orion.oac.uci.edu!uci-ics!ehood@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Earl Hood) Subject: C compilers Message-ID: <25F02612.3980@paris.ics.uci.edu> Hello, I want to get a C compiler for my Mega. But I do not know which compilers are good ones. Can anybody recommend any good compilers at reasonable costs. Thanks, -- Earl Hood (UC Irvine) -------------------------------> ehood@paris.ics.uci.edu =============================================================================== When in doubt Reboot! =============================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: 3 Mar 90 20:47:26 GMT From: pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu!ohstpy!miavx1!rlcollins@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu Subject: GEMINI... My evil twin.. HELP? Message-ID: <1080.25efe70e@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu> In article <16000017@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>, cs325ec@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu writes: > Anyone try out Gemini yet? I run Gemini.prg after booting > with either AMCGDOS or GPLUS and get two bombs...??? > > Anyone got it to work want to comment? I tried removing > every auto prg and acc save amcgdos and shell0... No luck. > > Went through the configs... set it for drive C: still > no luck. > > Damn, I really wanted it to work... Is it any good in > a 1040 anyway? (Memory usage?) > > Thanks for any tips > > -- Greg -- Well, I was looking foward to using it too. I de-zoo'ed it, and started picking throught the DOC files, which are in German, of course. Well, the first paragraph answered the problem I had. It requires TOS 1.2, 1.4, or 1.6. So if you have 1.0, thats probably your problem, like mine. Ryan ????????????????????????????? Ryan Collins ?????????????????????????????????? "When you have Super Powers, rlcollins@miavx1.BITNET hard work is easy" rc1dsanu@miamiu.BITNET -Dufus from Ducktails ??????????????????????Yea, right, thats what I said.????????????????????????? ------------------------------ Date: 3 Mar 90 16:41:23 GMT From: orc!mipos3!iwarp.intel.com!pcm@decwrl.dec.com (Phil Miller) Subject: How do I set up MINIX on my Supra drive? Message-ID: <1990Mar3.164123.14896@iwarp.intel.com> In article <27454@cup.portal.com> buggs@cup.portal.com (William Edward JuneJr) writes: >>I don't know if there are other books for other (non-PC) architectures. >>Phil Miller >>pcm@iwarp.intel.com > >There's something called XINU. It's 'done' on the Mac & IBM. ANYONE know > anything on this? >I saw the hardback copy of this too, BTW. > >$60.00 for a book, geez! > >Ed June ...back (briefly) to the topic of toy vs. OS: XINU is a layer of stuff running on top of an existing OS (MS-DOS, for example). Everything I've read about it makes it sound like a `teaching tool'. MINIX is a stand-alone OS. The two are unrelated. Phil Miller pcm@iwarp.intel.com ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 3 Mar 90 16:39:00 EST From: Greg Csullog <01659%AECLCR.bitnet@ugw.utcs.utoronto.ca> Subject: MULTISYNCS Message-ID: <90Mar3.164756est.57806@ugw.utcs.utoronto.ca> I have both the Omnimon Rainbow and Omnimon GS (grayscale) monitors and both have very good hi-res definition for use with GCR or the ST in mono mode. In colour mode on the Rainbow the colours are crisp and definition is sharp. I recommend these highly (and have no affiliation with WUZTEK who distributes them). WUZTEK is at 714-544-7888 (fax=714-838-5531) Tustin California) Does anyone have experience with FAST-FAX from Michtron? ------------------------------ Date: 3 Mar 90 19:59:54 GMT From: zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!samsung!cs.utexas.edu!jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!utgpu!w atserv1!bmaraldo@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Commander Brett Maraldo) Subject: Problems with Files using HD Backups and GEMINI Message-ID: <1322@watserv1.waterloo.edu> I really need some help with a problem I am having. First, I'll describe my system: original 520St with a 2.5M upgrade, TOS 1.4 in EPROM, 20M Supra, mono monitor and double sided 3.5" drive. The problem: when I use a hard disk backup program the files wirtten to floppy are randomly corrupted, that is some of the files get corrupted some don't, its about 50/50. Most of the text files are fine but the .PRG .TOS and .TTP programs get munged. This happens with Oscar and dliII or what ever that *GREAT* back-up program recently posted was called. Now, when I run GEMINI I get the same probelm when I transfer files around ont he HD (painful when using TeX because I have to go and find all the nasty characters in the corrupted file), and when I transfer files from the HD to floppy (the floppy files get corrupted). *This problem doesn't happen when I use the standard desktop!* I have to back-up my HD manually which is a pain and I can't use GGemini which is a *GREAT* desktop! In my \AUTO I have MACCEL the mouse accelerator, AMCDOS (the GEMINI gdos substitute), POOLFIX, and FOLDER250. My .ACC are: KRoget, Mdisk, QuickST, and ZTime. If somebody can tell me what is happening I'd appreciate it. I'd also like to solve the problem. Oh, one other important thing: the problem still exists regardless of whether the 2M memory expander is connected and/or the .ACC and \AUTO progroams are installed; ann empty virgin 520ST with TOS1.4 still causes the problem (with HD backup programs- I have't tried this with GEMINI). Please help. brett L Maraldo -- -------- Unit 36 Research --------- "Alien Technology Today" bmaraldo@watserv1.UWaterloo.ca ?uunet!clyde!utai?!watserv1!bmaraldo ------------------------------ Date: 3 Mar 90 17:09:28 GMT From: cs.umn.edu!thelake!steve@ub.d.umn.edu (Steve Yelvington) Subject: Saving the menu bar Message-ID: [In article <1886@clyde.concordia.ca>, agostino@sherlock.cs.concordia.ca (DELIGIA agostino) writes ... ] > Hi everyone! Could anyone explain to me how I can save the menu bar of some > program from within an accessory which is to use the whole screen? It goes > like this: I started writing an accessory prg and after coding the part which > clears the screen, tried it. Everything went fine until I left the acc--the > menu bar was gone. Then I remembered: I have to save the menu bar, but how? A long time ago, Moshe Braner posted a skeleton program for converting a TOS application to a desk accessory. In it, he saved the menu bar manually by copying the first 1520 bytes of the physical screen to a safe place, then copying it back when the ill-behaved desk accessory was ready to go back to sleep. You find the physical screen by calling Physbase(). The DA also calls form_dial with the desktop's dimensions to cause the screen manager to send redraw messages to any affected programs. I've tried it and it works fine on my system. I believe it's the technique he uses in the DA version of GNOME (GNOME's Not Ordinary Micro EMACS). The 1520-byte figure is fine for low, medium and high resolution, but it's not going to work on a Moniterm or Image Systems display. Anybody want to take a crack at a function that returns the proper size for the cheater's menubar buffer, based on GEM's notion of the screen size? -- Steve Yelvington at the lake in Minnesota UUCP path: ... umn-cs.cs.umn.edu!thelake!steve ------------------------------ Date: 3 Mar 90 21:58:16 GMT From: silver!kclenden@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (Kevin Clendenien) Subject: STE DMA sound (documentation posted) Message-ID: <37824@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu> In article <48ef7017.14a1f@force.UUCP> covertr@force.UUCP (Richard E. Covert) writes: >In article <37193@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu>, kclenden@silver.ucs.indiana.edu (Kevin Clendenien) writes: >> [my sane, sensible comment deleted] > >Horse pukey!!! > > >Apple gives much better support and much of it is free!! > [Richard's unfounded comments deleted] >-- > Richard E. Covert, Lead Engineer of Software Tools Group > AG Communications Systems, Phoenix AZ (602) - 581-4652 > TCP/IP: covertr@gtephx > UUCP: ?ncar!noao!asuvax | uunet!zardoz!hrc | att?!gtephx!covertr FREE????? I think not Mr. Covert. Why do you think that Apple computers with similar options to Atari computers cost about twice as much? One reason is because Apple is committed to providing information about those computers. Of course they have to pay someone to do that, so they just charge more up front to cover the cost later. The information you're getting is not free, but only appears to be free. Why do you own Atari equipment? Probably because you were able to pay less for it up front. Now you are finding out what you gave up. For a lot of people this alternative makes sense. I know it does for me. If you would consistently use a calm, gentle tone when asking questions, instead of the impatient, whinning tone that you have demonstrated time and time again, you would probably get more answers. For free, even... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- kclenden@silver.bacs.indiana.edu Kevin Clendenien BLoomington Atari ST users group BLAST, President BLAST BBS - (812) 332-0573 FNET node #141 ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 Issue #280 *****************************************